Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reconnecting with old friends

So, Larry and I have recently become obsessed with Facebook. I think that is why my blog has suffered. It isn't because less things are making me happy these days. It's because my computer time is being monopolized by Facebook! It's just so fun to see what everyone is up to. I'm addicted to checking statuses. But I miss my blog! I'll have to make some time for it! I wonder if anyone even checks it anymore. Hmmm...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Let the Baby Drive

I'm reading this book called "Let the Baby Drive," by Lu Hanessian. I'm only a few chapters into it, but I'm finding it refreshing. Since Isaac's birth, I have read stacks of parenting books. I've read Babywise, The Baby Whisperer, the Brazelton sleep method, the Furbur method, 12 hours by 12 weeks, Tips for new moms, Bright Baby, Bringing up Baby, The happiest Baby on the Block... and the list goes on. Really. Good grief. But this book is different. One review of it says, "Finally, a parenting book that does not give advice and yet offers such profound insight into what it means to be a child, a mother, a wife, and a thinking woman," I agree. While I'm still trying some of the "methods" I have been reading about, it's nice to be reminded that parenting isn't all about methods. Sometimes it's about those moments when I can't take my eyes off his perfect face. Like right now.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

babies in hats!

I love all babies in hats, but of course this is my favorite one!

Friday, October 24, 2008

of course if you like your kids, if you love them from the moment they begin, you yourself begin all over again, in them and with them. [william saroyan]

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Life is wonderful

I used to say getting married was the best thing I ever did. Now, it is a tie between getting married and having Isaac. How can we love him so much already? It's a mystery, a wonderful, wonderful mystery...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

baby kinnard

Here is a picture of our little baby!! This was taken when I was 23 weeks along. Now, I'm 31 weeks! yikes! Time is going by fast. Can't wait to see this little one in person :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

30 weeks

I took a giant hiatus from my blog. For a while it was because the only thing I wanted to mention was my pregnancy and it was still a secret!! Then, I just got out of the habit. Then, I wanted to post some belly pics and I don't have any downloaded. Excuses, Excuses, but now I'm back. Quick update: I'm 30 weeks along, feeling great, don't know the sex of our little mystery baby, larry painted the nursery a bright, happy turquoise.... all is well.