Tuesday, February 26, 2008


So we have some flowers in our front bed that are starting to bloom. At first I was sad because this happened last year and when spring came and all the yards were bursting with yellow loveliness, mine were bare because my little flowers had tried to come to early. But, it really is nice to see a bit of color at an otherwise drab time of year. It makes me happy to walk by and see a little burst of yellow. So, even if our daffodils are trying to commit flower suicide, or "flowercide," I
am going to smile and enjoy it as an early gift of spring...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

a ride to work

While our roads look nothing like this (and oh, how i wish they did), they are icey this evening. The wonderful part is that Larry drove me to work!! Ahh. For those of you who know us, you will know that this is a true act of love because taking me to work also means picking me up from work at 6am!! Yikes-a-rama! That is true love!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

buying paint

It's a tricky undertaking for those who fear commitment. Larry and I were married eight years before we finally bought a house. We both tried a few careers before we buckled down and settled on one. And after 9 years of very happy marriage we still don't have kids. So, it should come as no surprise to learn that after a year and a half in our new home, we still haven't changed the paint colors. What if we don't like it? Well, last night we bit the bullet and bought some paint. Larry coached us with the idea that if it looks bad, we can just redo it. We have some friends who painted their kitchen seven times before they got it right. That sort of inspired us. It's allowed. And surely, we'll get it right before time number seven!! Wish us luck!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

chocolate covered strawberries

I considered giving up sweets for Lent this year. The reason I didn't was chocolate covered strawberries! They are so romantic and yummy and delightful. Larry brought me one in bed this morning for Valentine's Day. Ahhh.... Thank goodness I hadn't given them up!