Monday, January 29, 2007

goofy stuff

I love goofy stuff.
That's one reason I love larry.
In college I had this line cut out of a magazine that I hung on my bulletin board. "His goofy jokes make me laugh." They still do...

Thursday, January 25, 2007


This one sounds looney. Who doesn’t like babies? I’ve not always been such a huge fan. Silly since I work in a baby-laden place. Nevertheless, this week one really made me happy. He is about nine months old and he came back to visit. He had been born with gastroschesis, a condition in which a baby is born with the intestines on the outside of the body rather than inside. Anyway, now he is perfect and it made me smile.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Plant catalogs

I’ve recently been really enjoying browsing through plant catalogs. I imagine that my yard will be like a rambling cottage garden. I’ll have hummingbirds eating out of my hand, butterflies landing on my shoulder and glorious flowers to photograph in artistic and lovely ways. Never mind that I can’t actually photograph in artistic and lovely ways, but I’m sure you understand the dream.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


larry and i recently started watching "24," the tv show on fox. since it's in season six, we started by renting the old seasons on dvd. they are keeping us on the edge of our seats. we just finished season two last night! we are averaging about a season a week. i'm a little embarassed to admit we have reached such serious couch potato status, but who can resist a handsome (and often sweaty) manly man who is able to save the united states from certain destruction over and over again?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


i love a good rainy day. the pitter pat of raindrops makes me feel cozy and snuggley. i associate it with pajamas and a good book or movie. i also like the idea of thirsty plants being quenched and birds bathing in the puddles on our deck. ahh. nice.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy News

Would you like some happy news? is a fun website. Instead of the yucky stuff that often fills the news, it tells happy stories. It's pretty fun. Warm fuzzies to you!!